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PocketQS was designed to assist the Construction Industry with calculating a broad spectrum of complex quantities, receiving quotes from suppliers 24/7, as well as ordering products on-the-go, anywhere, any time.

Calculate on the Go…
Choose one of many calculators to create product lists for a building project, fast and efficient.
Simplify your life.

Request and Compare quotes…
Request quotes on your product lists from multiple suppliers, compare quotes and generate professional orders.
No more frustrating phone calls.

Browse thousand’s of products…
Search through 1000’s of products by name, category or supplier and view details of products with images.

Purchase by credit card…
Pay with your credit card and check out.

Track total spend by Project…
Stay on top of your total spend per project, avoid expensive cost overruns.

Find suppliers fast…
Search for suppliers by location, name, product and call, mail or navigate to them by the tap of your finger.

View online brochures…
Select a supplier and view their products to find what you need, from anywhere you like.